Therapy and other Programs
– Not Currently Accepting New Clients –

Salisbury Farms offers both traditional Psychotherapy and Horse Assisted Psychotherapy (HAP).
Dr. Oleson offers traditional office based therapy with a focus on the client’s strengths and on acquiring practical skills to assist in addressing difficult issues in a client’s life. Dr. Oleson incorporates several different theories and techniques including, cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral modification techniques, play therapy, parenting skills, mindfulness, and Horse Assisted Psychotherapy.
When appropriate, Horse Assisted Psychotherapy (HAP) services are available. These activities incorporate interactions with horses as a means to achieve treatment goals. The experiences with the horses, provides the therapist with various practical techniques or tools for encouraging changes in behaviors and attitudes in clients. HAP may include but is not limited to handling, grooming, leading, feeding, lunging and riding horses. We have a very skills based approach, focusing on learning and acquiring the skills necessary to address the presenting issue.
We are not currently accepting new private practice clients. Please feel free to contact us if you need further info or have questions about this program.
Salisbury Farms offers Classical Riding Instruction, Psychotherapy, and Learning with horses programs. Salisbury Farms is able to design programs and activities to meet the needs of any rider, group, or agency. See below for a list of some of our current programs. Please contact us if you would like to explore your unique interest in equine activities, or to add a horsemanship program for your agency.
Salisbury Farms works with:
Child and Adolescent with social and behavioral problems,Adults, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Parenting Issues, Parent/Child relationships, Depression, Anxiety, Bullying, Learning Disorders, Trauma
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13530 Willow Rd Lakeside, CA 92040
(619) 848-3466