FAQ & Rates

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Give us a Call: (619) 723-6202

What is your level system for riders

All riders progress through certain skills and levels. These can be reviewed with your instructor in our hand book. We have four main levels and have found that working through these levels allows for a safe progression of riders and clear bench marks for success.

Do I need previous experience with horses?

No, previous experience with horses is necessary. All riders will have an initial assessment of their experience and comfort working with horses. Riders will be instructed, as needed, for  all horse related activities ranging from putting on a halter to jumping a fence. Horsemanship  instructions and expectation starts from your first step onto the ranch.


What ages do you work with?

We work with riders ages 7 years and up.


Do you teach English or Western riding lessons?

My background includes training in both styles. I spent my childhood riding Hunters and Jumpers  and am currently focused on Reining. However, the basics of good riding will transcend this distinction. Any of the classical riding instruction  offered at Salisbury Farms should provide a foundation and launching pad for  excellent riding in any discipline.


Is working with horses a good learning experience for all children?

Every interested party will meet with Dr. Oleson and have an orientation session. Dr. Oleson will discuss the program and introduce basic horsemanship activities. This session serves as an assessment for the interest of the rider and the suitability of a rider for this program.


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13530 Willow Rd Lakeside, CA 92040 
(619) 848-3466